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Meet Dr. Aaron Todd

Maintaining Peak Athletic Performance With Chiropractic

Chiropractor Cochrane, Dr. Aaron ToddTo be able to compete at such an elite level in Canada and the United States, Dr. Todd needed to be injury-free. “I received my first adjustment after a neck injury during a football game. The hit was so severe that I worried about finishing up the rest of the season. However, after a few adjustments from our team chiropractor, I was cleared up and ready to play the following weekend.”

From that moment forward, Dr. Todd realized the importance of not only seeing a chiropractor after an injury but also following through with a schedule of care to maintain the integrity of his spine and nerve system. Doing so allowed him to attain his peak performance. It was after this incident that he began to read and study as much as he could about chiropractic and sports.

Obtaining a Chiropractic Education

After finishing his studies at the University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Todd was honoured to be accepted into what many people feel is the “Harvard of chiropractic schools” — Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. “It was at Palmer where I was able to see firsthand the benefits of chiropractic in the field of athletics as I played rugby and hockey while there. The exposure we had to great chiropractors who helped us to prevent injury, and perform optimally was second to none. It was very much a hands-on learning experience.”

After graduation, Dr. Todd and his wife Dr. Tulk moved to Europe with their son, Logan. The number of chiropractors per capita over there is far less than in North America. “They were grateful to have us there, and we gained some valuable work experience by the sheer volume of patients we saw.” The family discovered that the lifestyle that people lead in Europe is far different from the typical North American lifestyle they were used to. “Their pace of living was more relaxed. Vacation time was essential. It was not uncommon for people to take a whole month off in the summer.”

People also were typically fit, and obesity was a rare thing to see. “People rode their bicycles all year long — rain, snow or shine. Their concept of wellness was refreshing! We enjoyed our time there, but missed our family and friends terribly.”

The family eventually moved back to Canada and decided that Cochrane was where they wanted to live and work. “I quickly made connections with athletes and coaches at UBC, UofC and UofS. I enjoyed working with the teams and exposing them to the benefits of chiropractic in their sport. “Having the opportunity to work with so many athletes, I was able to grasp what it takes to go from good to great.” Dr. Todd also has been fortunate enough to be named the head of the medical staff at the Footstock Marathon, which is held in the town every June.

Educating Others About Healthy Living

Having the opportunity to practice in Europe and treat people from all over the world, Dr. Todd has learned that it is so important to educate others about the benefits of chiropractic care and what it takes to have your body function at its best. “I also discovered my love for public speaking somewhere along the way. I give a presentation called ‘The Seven Step Peak Energy Challenge.’”

His presentation provides simple strategies for healthy living that people can start to use immediately to improve their lives. “The tools I share with people help them to safely lose those extra pounds, boost their energy, prevent injuries, and achieve their healthy living goals. I have given this presentation to numerous businesses, sports teams, fitness centres, yoga studios, weight loss groups for staff, clients, patients, athletes and various groups of all sizes. The information is relevant and pertinent to everyone.”

Dr. Todd is passionate about communicating to others the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

I have come to know that regular spinal adjustments, proper nutrition, adequate sleep and exercise are the keys that have improved the quality of life for myself and my family.”


If you would like to talk to Dr. Todd about your health goals or would be interested in having him give a presentation to a group on your behalf, contact us today!


Dr. Aaron Todd | (403) 851-8868